Hello and welcome to the HAL collection of the PRODICET Research Unit

The PRODICET (PROgression et DIssémination CÉrébrales des cellules Tumorales = development and dissemination of tumor cells in the brain) laboratory is a Research Unit created in January 2022 and entirely dedicated to cancer research. Our research unit is affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy and benefits from the support of the University Hospital of Poitiers. UR PRODICET is located in new fully renovated premises on the campus of the University of Poitiers, in the Health Biology Pole, building B37.

PRODICET is a single-team/single-theme research unit whose research focuses on the study of the mechanisms underlying the initiation, progression, and dissemination of primary and secondary brain tumors. Within our laboratory, two pathologies relating to tumor cell development and dissemination within the brain are studied in parallel:

  • Gliomas, locally invasive primary brain tumors
  • Secondary colorectal and breast cerebral tumors.

The mechanisms that lead tumor cells to spread preferentially to the brain are still poorly understood. Our main objective is to identify predictive or prognostic markers of tumor cell cerebral spreading and to consolidate the basis to develop of therapeutic approaches focused on the targeted inhibition of events relating to tumor growth and/or dissemination in the brain.

The UR PRODICET is now formed of 19 members (see organization chart) including faculties, clinicians, research engineers, postdoctoral researchers, and technical and administrative staff. The ambition of UR PRODICET is to develop and welcome doctors, pharmacists, and scientists for their research work as part of their hospital/university course (Masters and Theses) and to recruit post-graduate researchers wishing to invest in the field of cerebral dissemination of tumors.


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