Autre Publication Scientifique Books and Ideas Année : 2020

Governing by Technology in China An Interview with Jesper Schlaeger


Chinese society has been thoroughly transformed by digital tools, which private companies have developed for people to shop, chat, entertain themselves. The central and local governments have tried to keep up to date. Jesper Schlaeger explains the intricacies of Chinese eGovernment. Jesper Schlaege is a Specially Appointed Researcher in Sichuan University. He received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Copenhagen in 2012 and has postdoctoral experience from Lund University. His main field of research is Chinese public administration with current projects covering eGovernment, innovation management, and sustainability governance. He is also a Section Editor on the open-access journal Chinese Public Administration Review ( Books & Ideas: Have digital technologies been mobilized during the Covid-19 outbreak? What are your observations and analyses of their efficiency and limits? What lessons can be drawn for other countries?
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hal-03227403 , version 1 (17-05-2021)


  • HAL Id : hal-03227403 , version 1


Emilie Frenkiel. Governing by Technology in China An Interview with Jesper Schlaeger. 2020. ⟨hal-03227403⟩
93 Consultations
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