Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2020

The consultant as an inclusion agent: an approach from the perspective of singularity

Éric Gautier


With increased workforce diversity, organizations are recognizing the need to create inclusive workplaces. However, there has been very little research about how consultants can enhance workplace inclusion (Nishii, 2013; Oswick & Noon, 2014; Shore, Randel, Chung, Dean, Ehrhart, & Singh, 2011). The revelation of the singularity of four client organizations with the help of a consultant (Kakabadse, Louchart & Kakabadse, 2006; Schein, 1997) provides valuable information. We observed three different modes of inclusion: prototyping, identity revelation, and collective intelligence. Our ethnographic research shows that the identity revelation serves three purposes: 1) self-inclusion, 2) group inclusion, and 3) inclusion of sense. The processes are twofold: the inclusion of members in the expression of their singularity and their preparation for action. All in all, our results show how support in revealing organizational singularity turns out to be a powerful catalyst for inclusion, and the hitherto ignored role of the consultant as an inclusive agent.

Cite 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.11793abstract The consultant as an inclusion agent: an approach from the perspective of singularity,

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Dates et versions

hal-03679056 , version 1 (25-05-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-03679056 , version 1


Éric Gautier. The consultant as an inclusion agent: an approach from the perspective of singularity. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Aug 2020, Vancouver, Canada. pp.11793. ⟨hal-03679056⟩
32 Consultations
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