Networks and Telecoms Group



This entity develops long term studies in the area of Networks, Telecommunications and Multimedia Security. Our methodological approach avoids as much as possible the traditional layered network paradigm, since separate layer optimization promises only incremental improvement on the state-of-the-art performance. This observation has already encouraged many researchers to work on a cross-layer optimization approach, which we aim at generalizing as much as possible, while maintaining the necessary flexibility required by the large variety of telecommunication applications.


In the group, this is made possible by gathering together researchers with a combination of backgrounds on lower layer design (digital communications, resource allocation,... ), on application layer design (robust source compression, multimedia content security,...), as well as on network layer architecture (TCP/IP, routing,...), who work jointly on actual problems in telecommunications and multimedia transmission, especially in the context of wireless networks. A large effort is put on the application and expansion of the mathematical theories allowing the most general optimization, such as game theory, information theory, stochastic geometry, information geometry.


Our inclination is to drive the theoretical insight to the design of practical applications, and this is achieved via collaborative contracts with the industry. Cooperation in wireless networks and vehicular networks are two major areas of interest, along with emerging lines as the synergy between communication networks and energy networks (smart grids).

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